Shami in Paris

So I’m a bit late. (Don’t be upset that I began the entire piece and the paragraph with so please.) Yes! I’m totally late and I’m not even starting from the beginning of the story. Today marks one year since my first, and only thus far, visit to Paris. As part of our Euro Trip 2017, my friends and I planned a great schedule. We made our way to France from London. Then we had numerous places on our list. We’d visit Lille and Paris in France, then hop over to Italy and spend time in Salerno and the Amalfi Coast. From Italy we planned a bus ride to Austria where we’d explore Vienna (we ended up spending a day in Bratislava, Slovakia on advice of a fellow traveler we met at the Schönbrunn Palace). Then another bus ride to Czech Republic to enjoy Prague. From Prague we then flew to Belgium, then took a bus back to Lille where we finished off the vacation before heading home via a flight from London. (Yes I’ve realised that my writing tense changed but I think it adds to the excitement lol.)

So Paris!!!!!!!!!! First up! I was going to live out of the following “luggage” for the next twelve to thirteen days! The Lord was surely with me, both mentally and emotionally!


France Bus Collage

My friends and I!

One first class train ride later! And ta-da!


So my excitement starts building even more than before now! Because we’ve been meaning to do this trip ever since we joined the world of work. My friends did a Euro Trip sans Shami a couple of years ago. But the Lord kept me in His heart (as always). Then! We started planning in January 2017. We had a countdown app, celebrating as each passing day brought us closer and closer to this trip!


And we’re off!




Numerous metro stops and lots of carrying luggage up and down stairs still couldn’t steal our high! Mwwwaah!


Finally the Eiffel Tower was near-ish-er! Heheh!

We hurried along and finally began our tour of this renowned city!


The Eiffel Tower amidst an overcast sky.



Picked up my souvenir and got on my way! 😀


The reality of it brought me to giggles!

So rain did fall! And your Shami, Jo and Maurisa did get soaked! We were standing in line to climb the tower and we were left without a choice but to run across the street in search of shelter.


Paris ain’t complete without showers of blessings!

We seized the opportunity to get on board a L’Open Tours bus.

Coming down to the close of the day, I spotted Notre-Dame de Paris also known as Notre-Dame Cathedral or simply Notre-Dame which is a medieval Catholic cathedral on the Île de la Cité in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France. I had no choice but to rush over there!


These are some meals we had together in Paris. We had lunch at Pizza Pino Restaurant, Champs-Élysées and dinner at Le Départ Saint Michel. We also visited Paul.

The day was surely a blessing. The best part was, of course, that I spent it with two of my best friends. We’ve been friends since form 1 in the year 2000. And seventeen (17) years later, we were having the trip of a lifetime together!

We did miss Shantal and Kay-Marie and Yessyka. But we do know that we have many more miles to travel and we’ll surely have trips with them too!

Stay tuned for my other post to complete my tour of Paris.

Glory to God for this opportunity!