Manzanilla Boardwalk

Adventure time! My friends and I decided to meet up to enjoy the evening together. My plan was for us to go to Manzanilla to view the Sunset. I recalled that a Boardwalk was constructed there some time recently and I had always had visiting that Boardwalk on my to-do list also. One crucial fact happened to slip my mind thought…

Manzanilla With Friends 31-07-2016 (4)

The Sunset was hidden behind the treeline

So Manzanilla is actually on the eastern coast of our island. Lol. But the Boardwalk was fantastic. The sound of the sea and the rushing breeze soothed my soul! It was indeed a worthwhile two hour long drive to this marvelous destination!

So we realised that we had only missed the one year anniversary of the commemoration of the Manzanilla Boardwalk by a couple days.


The view was magnificent and there were still bathers enjoying the waters.


My friends and I had a blast catching up. You never realise how much you have to catch up on until you actually meet up face to face. It was a welcomed barrage of good conversation and unbridled laughter! Adrian, Shantal, Johannah and I will surely remember this day for years to come ❤

Sunset was at 6:29pm and we got there around 6:25pm. En route we encoutered road detours due to road repairs in Sangre Grande and we also made some unplanned detours of our own trying to find the route. Eventually we placed all our trust in the navigation app Waze and this led us to Boodoo Highway. Boodoo Highway was actually a narrow road with unforgetable potholes! On the way back, rain poured like buckets of water being tossed per droplet. We then encountered intense traffic. At this point Adrian got out the car and got us drinks and snacks ❤

Finally we took a long shortcut through Cumuto. The good thing about this route is that it’s practically traffic free. There was no downside to it actually, I had actually driven this road a lot back in 2011 when I used to chauffeur my daddy to and from work. It was a cool moment in life when I got to be the go-to person for my dad. I bet it’s every child’s dream to be able to be there for their parents in a special way one day! ❤ ❤ ❤

Everyone got home safely and we vowed to add more road trips to our memory bank in the future. Thank you God for good friends and friendships that transcend space and time 😀


Sunset at Store Bay Beach, Tobago

It’s been a while since I had visited my sister island. The last time I’ve been to Tobago was in Easter of 2014. Back then, some coworkers and I planned a great Easter vacation. We rented a condo and toured the island. It was truly memorable and down right relaxing.

Tobago with Yessyka July 2016-07 (19)

Let the walking begin ❤

Well as you’ve guessed, Tobago is for sheer relaxation. The sun is hot, it seems like rain never falls and it’s always bright! This time, I didn’t take the ferry so I did not take my car. So this trip was all about – exploring within reasonable walking distance. My friend Yessyka and I had no plans or rules except relaxation.

Tobago with Yessyka July 2016-07 (17)

Yessyka & I

So it’s common for lots of people to be at Store Bay to witness the sunset. Personally, I’ve never partook in this ‘tradition’. So after a hearty dinner at La Cantina, Yessyka and I trotted over to Store Bay.


This was dinner! 



A pizza and a milkshake for me.


I only managed to eat 2.5 slices of my La Cantina – tomato, mozarella, spice ground beef, pineapple – pizza. So I had breakfast and lunch ready for the next day!



Fellow Sunset Onlookers





Another day well spent ❤

Poás Volcano & Botos Lagoon – Costa Rica 2015

On the 18th of June 2015 I visited the Poás Volcano & Botos Lagoon with Island Hikers on a Hiking Tour of Costa Rica! This was my first overseas trip with the local (T&T) Hiking Group and I know I had finally found my lifelong hiking buddies!

According to Wikipedia, The Poás Volcano, is an active 2,708-metre (8,885 ft) stratovolcano in central Costa Rica. It has erupted 39 times since 1828There are two crater lakes near the summit. The northern lake is known as the Laguna Caliente (“hot lagoon”) and is located at a height of 2,300 m in a crater approximately 1.7 km wide and 290–300 m deep. It is one of the world’s most acidic lakes. Lake Botos, the southern lake, fills an inactive crater, which last erupted in 7500 BC. It is cold and clear, and is surrounded by a cloud forest located within the Poás Volcano National Park.


First we headed for the Lagoon


I had actually visited this national park way back when maybe in 2004 with my Form 4 Spanish class at St. Joseph’s Convent, St. Joseph.


At Botos Lagoon


Beautiful view of Botos Lagoon

I must apologise for posting this late. Now I’m eager to get all my pictures of Costa Rica 2015 posted before my one year anniversary of the tour arrives!



Terry & I


Abigail & I

I met awesome people on this trip. I had the privilege of bonding with kindred spirits you could say. Everyone was friendly and welcoming and we all had similar interests. This made for fun conversations and priceless memories ❤


You are here 🙂

Now we proceeded to Poás Volcano.



Hmm! This sure looks like the perfect spot for a nice shot


All smiles! I told you so 😛


Exploradora Shami 😀


Only my first Park visit for this Tour and I already felt satisfied with my decision to visit Costa Rica


We met a friendly squirrel

So on the path from the Lagoon to the Volcano we came across a friendly squirrel. He came out for treats and was really into posing for pictures.

Wikipedia says – Bang’s mountain squirrel is a nearly unknown species of tree squirrel, that only lives in Costa Rica and Panama.


More Shami shots lol


Now at the Volcano

It was a magnificent view. There were quite a bit of tourists up here. Our group got a really awesome group photo. This isn’t our full group maybe just around 70% of us.



I have more shots of the crater. 100_4593.jpg



Nature has become a remedy of sorts for me. Sites like these remind me of the greatness of God, the Creator. An untainted plain, a place where man hasn’t gone overboard with his dominance. When we let nature reign, we can be privy to wondrous views such as these.


Greetings from the Summit!

Poás Volcano & Botos Lagoon - Costa Rica 2015 (80).JPG

Until the next adventure ❤


Ya I’m a bit sour to leave also. Lol



Stay tuned for more of my adventures from Costa Rica 2015.

God bless 🙂





Visiting The Caroni Swamp

Sunday is really the Fun Day of the week. Following a restful, God-filled Sabbath, Sunday sets the pace for my upcoming week. Sunday prepares me to endure the monotony that the world tends to project as the ‘norm’.


My cousin Kay, my friend Shan and I all visited the Caroni Swamp on Sunday 25th October, 2015. Oh my, how time flies!

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At the Caroni Swamp

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (3).jpg

We’re ready to head down river!

Wikipedia has the following to say about the Caroni Swamp:

The Caroni Swamp is the second largest mangrove wetland in Trinidad and Tobago. It is located on the west coast of Trinidad, south of Port of Spain and northwest of Chaguanas, where the Caroni River meets the Gulf of Paria.

The Caroni Swamp is an estuarine system comprising 5,611 hectares of mangrove forest and herbaceous marsh, interrupted by numerous channels, and brackish and saline lagoons, and with extensive intertidal mudflats on the seaward side. The wetland provides a variety of habitats for flora and faunal species and as such, supports a rich biodiversity.

The Caroni Swamp is an important tourist attraction and provides an important habitat for the scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber), one of the national birds of Trinidad and Tobago. It is also home to many other species of birds and houses The Caroni Bird Sanctuary, and is a protected wetland under the Ramsar Convention.

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (5).jpg

How could I forget the random kitten we saw hanging around. lol

So here we go! Let the journey begin!

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (7).jpg

Kay’s intent was to soak up as much nature as possible. She even brought a book to read.

We came across the following wildlife:

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (6).jpg

Blue Heron

Excuse the random tyre *sadface* pollution.

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (8)


Caroni Swamp 25.10 (9)

Mudskipper Fishies

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Snakes in a Tree!

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En route downriver

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Can’t deny myself a sky shot

It almost looks like the clouds were trying to form a heart for me 😀

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Ruined barrier

Apparently there were once barriers to separate the waterways.

Unfortunately, the bird watching towers were not maintained.

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Fallen bird watching tower

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (18)

Mangrove Seed

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (15)

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Then finally, I spotted my first Scarlet Ibis 😀

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Can you see it?

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (19)

Come on over! Come on over baby 😀

Now, into the lakes!

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Caroni Swamp 25.10 (27)

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (31)

And onto the roosting island!

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One of the many ‘islands’ where the birds roost

From here, we waited. The birds usual come in to roost after a long day out feeding and hanging with feathered friends.

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Fellow waiters

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And the birds begin their descent

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Here they come 🙂

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Egrets as they come in to roost

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Scarlet Ibises

I tried to make this shot of the roosting birds lighter.

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Birds settle in to roost

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The sun went down quickly, and we had to head back to shore.

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On the way back

I had to bask in the moment! Such a beautiful landscape.

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As, the sun said its goodbyes, we entered back into the treeline. Luckily, we had no snake-falling-on-boat-passengers accidents. We merely suffered a crab-falling-on-already-totally-creeped-out-passenger accident. Lol.

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O glorious sunset!

Another Sunday well spent on my beautiful home isle!

Caroni Swamp 25.10 (1).jpg

Until we meet again Caroni ❤

God bless and I hope you enjoy.



Radisson Grenada Beach Resort – Grenada 2015

So we had been in Grenada for just about five days already. We enjoyed our stay at the Gem Holiday Beach Resort (Morne Rouge, Grenada +1 473-444-4224) It’s right on the beach, Clean & spacious. Internet. Hot & Cold water. Appliances. The works! This is right next door to the Kalinago Beach Resort.

View at Gem Holiday Beach Resort

View at Gem Holiday Beach Resort

Our Aunty was staying over at the Radisson with her family. She suggested that we come spend a few nights over there.

So my Uncle marched right up to that Radisson Grenada Beach Resort and demanded that they let us stay!

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (3)

And the rest is a story of bliss in paradise!

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (8)

The first pool was really beautiful. But of course, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (10)

The layout of the resort is really nice. Flora is one of the major highlights in life for me. Only my love of the sky can trump my love of flowers and trees.

Firstly, I loved off on the views of Grand Anse Beach.

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (68)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (69)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (70)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (71)

This was where we napped.

Napping never felt this good!

Napping never felt this good!

We explored the compound.

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (56)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (57)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (78)

Inside decor was just as intriguing as outdoors.

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (60)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (95)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (100)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (11)

And no, we did not exercise! We’re on vacation lol.

It was nice to have a well-equipped gym available though.

It was nice to have a well-equipped gym available though.

Outdoor dining has never been so inviting!

Outdoor dining has never been so inviting!

Stay tuned for the Oasis Pool *googly eyes*

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Radisson Grenada Beach Resort (77)

I’m dedicating an entire post just to the Oasis Pool ❤ That’s how awesome it is!!! 😀

God bless! ❤

Kayaking at Kalinago Beach Resort – Grenada 2015

So I had lower back pain for like a week after this vacation. I kayaked like a pro!!! *dances*

Wikipedia has this to say about kayaking

Kayaking is the use of a boat for moving across water. It is distinguished from canoeing by the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle. A kayak is a boat where the paddler faces forward, legs in front, using a double-bladed paddle.

My cousin and I were both beaming when offered the opportunity to kayak at the Kalinago Beach Resort, Grenada (Address: Morne Jaloux, St Georges, Grenada Phone:+1 473-444-5255).

Mr. Kayak to you!

Mr. Kayak to you!

Sea Grapes at Morne Rogue Beach, Grenada

Sea Grapes at Morne Rouge Beach, Grenada

Laptop, Sea & Sand! Heaven!!

Laptop, Sea & Sand! Heaven!!

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Kayaking at Kalinago Beach Resort (6) My Grenada Trip 2015 - Kayaking at Kalinago Beach Resort (3)

Fun in the Sun

Fun in the Sun

Kayaking Godesses

Kayaking Godesses

Victorious Kay

Victorious Kay

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Kayaking at Kalinago Beach Resort (24)

We had so much fun!!!

We had so much fun!!!

My Kay <3

My Kay ❤

As the sun sets on another beautiful day

As the sun sets on another beautiful day

*warrior cry*

*warrior cry*

My Grand Anse Beach Experience – Grenada 2015

So! One doesn’t simply visit Grenada to enjoy Grenada! (Who does that?!? LOL) One visits Grenada to enjoy Grand Anse Beach!!!

Grand Anse Beach is a sheltered beach in St. George’s, Grenada. Grand Anse is Grenada’s most popular beach and is located only a short distance from the Spice Isle’s capital.

View of Grand Anse Beach

View of Grand Anse Beach

Grand Anse is French for Large Cove.

Grand Anse is packed with activities, you can go water-skiing, parasailing or kayaking or you can join a snorkel or dive boat tour for fish-filled waters nearby or simply sunbathe. I’ll show you pictures of our Kayaking Adventure in a later post.

If you’re a truly experienced scuba diver and feel adventurous, dive to the wreck of the Italian luxury liner the Bianca-C, one of the Caribbean’s largest ship wrecks, where, at night, you can see sleeping fish and sea turtles.

My Kay <3

My Kay ❤

My Kay & I

My Kay & I

I am missing some beautiful pictures of Kay, Shaki & I because I didn’t get to copy those pictures off Shaki’s iPad *sad face*.

My Uncle & I

My Uncle & I

The I - Shami <3

The I – Shami ❤

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (50)

Now let’s get down to the sand & salt!

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (7)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (12)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (14)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (15)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (18)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (19)

Shaki was the Beach Princess! She couldn’t get enough.

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (27)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (26)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (28)She even made a ‘Sand Angel’.

Shaki's Sand Angel

Shaki’s Sand Angel

Grenada with Kay 2015 (187)

Sunbathers at Grand Anse Beach

Grenada with Kay 2015 (173)

Shaki & Uncle

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (35)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Anse Beach (43)

Stay tuned for more from My Grenada Trip 2015 🙂

God bless!

Clabony Sulphur Spring in St. Andrew (My Grenada Trip 2015)

Located north of Grand Etang these springs are best reached by 4×4 jeeps as you travel through banana and nutmeg above Mirabeau Estate. The spring is the most accessible of a number of natural, warm, sulfur springs hidden in the overgrowth. The waist-deep water is clear and surprisingly pleasant smelling – until you stir the bottom with your feet. It is highly recommended that visitors employ the services of a guide.

On the way to the Sulphur Spring

On the way to the Sulphur Spring

We parked the Prado and walked the rest

We parked the Prado and walked the rest (oh sign xD)

Shaki the Adventurer

Shaki the Adventurer

My lil Bush Princess <3

My lil Bush Princess ❤

Wild fig

Wild fig

Just keep walking

Just keep walking

My lovies

My lovies

At one with nature

At one with nature

She had so much fun here

She had so much fun here

Shaki loves Grenada

Shaki loves Grenada

Exploradora Shami

Exploradora Shami

Cousins have dozens of memories

Cousins have dozens of memories

And... Dun Dun dun... The Sulphur Spring

And… Dun Dun dun… The Sulphur Spring

Nature's beauty

Nature’s beauty

My Uncle

My Uncle

Father & Daughter

Father & Daughter

She's having a blast

She’s having a blast



3... 2... 1... Dive

3… 2… 1… Dive



Jump for Joy

Jump for Joy

Uncle Brian's awesome pose!

Uncle Brian’s awesome pose!

She's a born backpacker

She’s a born backpacker

To the stars she goes!

To the stars she goes!

Grand Etang National Park, Grenada

So! On the 2nd of June, 2015, my travelling crew and I visited the Grand Etang National Park. Our aim was to view the crater lake there.

According to Wikipedia,

The Grand Etang Lake is a crater lake in an extinct volcano. It is located on the island of Grenada, in Saint Andrew Parish. Evidence suggests that the Grand Etang Lake is connected to Kick ’em Jenny, an active submarine volcano to the north since when Kick Em Jenny was observed bubbling, so too were the waters in Grand Etang Lake. The Grand Etang Lake is 1,800 feet (550 m) above sea level and it is one of the two crater lakes on the island (the other being Lake Antoine). The lake is approximately 20 feet deep and 3.5 acres in area.

We missed the monkeys though. *sad face* they come out for fruits and are pretty friendly we’ve heard.

Grand Etang Forest Reserve

Grand Etang Forest Reserve

Grand Etang Wildlife

Grand Etang Wildlife

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Etang Forest Reserve (23)

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Etang Forest Reserve (4)

View of the Lake

View of the Lake

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Etang Forest Reserve (12)

Guess who's visiting the lake?

Guess who’s visiting the lake?

Shami smiles

Shami smiles

Ma Chérie

Ma Chérie

Some beautiful flowers

Some beautiful flowers

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Etang Forest Reserve (27)

Down at the lake

Down at the lake

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Etang Forest Reserve (32)

My Kay, My Uncle & I

My Kay, My Uncle & I

Me with My Kay & My Shaki

Me with My Kay & My Shaki

The girlies & Tyler <3

The girlies & Tyler ❤

Shami enjoys the view

Shami enjoys the view

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Etang Forest Reserve (41) My Grenada Trip 2015 - Grand Etang Forest Reserve (40)

My Kay & I

My Kay & I

My Kay

My Kay

Stay tuned! We have more of Grenada to visit 🙂

Glory be to God.

Downtown St. George’s, Grenada – Part 2

More of my experience 🙂

From 1889-1894 the 340 foot Sendall Tunnel was built for horse carriages.

From 1889-1894 the 340 foot Sendall Tunnel was built for horse carriages.

Sendall Tunnel , Downtown St. George's, Grenada

Sendall Tunnel , Downtown St. George’s, Grenada

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Downtown St. George's (63)

Sendall Tunnel , Downtown St. George's, Grenada - Both Pedestrians & Motorists make use of the tunnel simultaneously. It only allows for the flow of traffic in one general direction.

Sendall Tunnel , Downtown St. George’s, Grenada – Both Pedestrians & Motorists make use of the tunnel simultaneously. It only allows for the flow of traffic in one general direction.

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Downtown St. George's (70)

I believe I heard Steel Pan classes going on in here

I believe I heard Steel Pan classes going on in here

Police Van downtown

Police Van downtown

Health Centre

Health Centre

Abandoned Meat Market Building

Abandoned Meat Market Building

Abandoned Abattoir

Abandoned Abattoir

Fish Market

Fish Market

Road Side Vendors

Road Side Vendors

Roadside shops and rest areas

Roadside shops and rest areas

My Grenada Trip 2015 - Downtown St. George's (80)