Manzanilla Boardwalk

Adventure time! My friends and I decided to meet up to enjoy the evening together. My plan was for us to go to Manzanilla to view the Sunset. I recalled that a Boardwalk was constructed there some time recently and I had always had visiting that Boardwalk on my to-do list also. One crucial fact happened to slip my mind thought…

Manzanilla With Friends 31-07-2016 (4)

The Sunset was hidden behind the treeline

So Manzanilla is actually on the eastern coast of our island. Lol. But the Boardwalk was fantastic. The sound of the sea and the rushing breeze soothed my soul! It was indeed a worthwhile two hour long drive to this marvelous destination!

So we realised that we had only missed the one year anniversary of the commemoration of the Manzanilla Boardwalk by a couple days.


The view was magnificent and there were still bathers enjoying the waters.


My friends and I had a blast catching up. You never realise how much you have to catch up on until you actually meet up face to face. It was a welcomed barrage of good conversation and unbridled laughter! Adrian, Shantal, Johannah and I will surely remember this day for years to come ❤

Sunset was at 6:29pm and we got there around 6:25pm. En route we encoutered road detours due to road repairs in Sangre Grande and we also made some unplanned detours of our own trying to find the route. Eventually we placed all our trust in the navigation app Waze and this led us to Boodoo Highway. Boodoo Highway was actually a narrow road with unforgetable potholes! On the way back, rain poured like buckets of water being tossed per droplet. We then encountered intense traffic. At this point Adrian got out the car and got us drinks and snacks ❤

Finally we took a long shortcut through Cumuto. The good thing about this route is that it’s practically traffic free. There was no downside to it actually, I had actually driven this road a lot back in 2011 when I used to chauffeur my daddy to and from work. It was a cool moment in life when I got to be the go-to person for my dad. I bet it’s every child’s dream to be able to be there for their parents in a special way one day! ❤ ❤ ❤

Everyone got home safely and we vowed to add more road trips to our memory bank in the future. Thank you God for good friends and friendships that transcend space and time 😀